إرسال رابط إلى التطبيق


4.0 ( 5440 ratings )
اللياقة الصحية & الطبية
المطور: Quetru Ltda.

NewtriCalc is an app that includes an useful set of tools for the nutritional assessment of hospitalized patients:

- Bedridden Patients:

Knee Height and Weight, Demispan Height, Body Composition, %Weight Loss, Weight Height Index.

- Patients who can stand:

Body Fat by skinfold method, Waist Hip Ratio

- Amputees:

Estimated Body Weight Loss, Ideal and Adjusted Amputation Body Weight

- With Biochemical Analysis:

Creatinine Height Index, Nutritional Risk index, Nitrogen Balance

- Renal Disease:

Dry and Ideal Weight, GFR (CKD-EPI), Protein Requirements

- BMI, BSA, Adjusted and Ideal Weight

- Energy requirements